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RTRIM () function

OFFSET() function is used in conjuction with the LIMIT clause to control the starting point of data retrieval in a SQL query result. It allows skipping a specified number of rows before fetching the desired number of rows.


limit(num_of_rows) Offset(offset_value)


Argument Description
num_of_rows An integer value specifying the maximum number of rows to fetch.
offset_value An integer value specifying the number of rows to skip.


The OFFSET() function doesn’t have a direct return value. It affects the result set returned by the SQL query by skipping the specified number of rows before fetching the data.


Colors table

This table is used in subsequent OFFSET() queries.

create table colors
    (_id id, color string);

insert into colors(_id,color)
    values (1,'green')
insert into colors(_id,color)
    values (2,'red')
insert into colors(_id,color)
    values (3,'yellow')
insert into colors(_id,color)
    values (4,'blue')
insert into colors(_id,color)
    values (5,'orange')


In this example, the OFFSET clause skips the first three rows, and the LIMIT 2 clause fetches the next two rows from the “colors” table.

select * from colors limit 2 offset 3;
| _id | color  |
|   4 | blue   |  
|   5 | orange |  

By using LIMIT -1, the query returns all the rows starting from the offset specified (in this case, the third row) until the end of the result set.

select * from colors limit -1 offset 2;
| _id | color  |
|   3 | yellow |  
|   4 | blue   |  
|   5 | orange |  