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COALESCE() function

The COALESCE() function inserts a specified value in place of null values in SELECT query results. This can be used to:

  • remove null values in calculations or concatenations
  • insert a default value where one is not available




Argument Description Required? Additional information
<target-column-name> Target column-name to insert <value> Yes  
<value> Value to insert in place of ‘null’ Yes <value> must match data type of destination column


The specified value in place of null values in the destination column


using Coalesce() function to handle null values

    (__id ID, product STRING, brand STRING, subcategory STRING, category STRING, family STRING, quantity_available INT, minimum_to_have INT);

    (1, 'pork ribs', NULL, 'pork meat', 'meat','food',400, 130),
    (2, 'tomatoes','Mr Red', NULL, 'vegetables','food',280, 100),
    (3,'lettuce',NULL, 'Leaf vegetables', NULL,'food',280, Null),
    (4,'Bananas',NULL, NULL,NULL,'food',Null, NULL),
    (5,'hamburger','MaxBurg','cow meat','meat','food',220, 150),
    (6,'hamburger','SuperBurga',Null,Null,Null,125, Null);

SELECT * FROM stock;

| _id | product  | brand    | subcategory    | category  | family | quantity_available| minimum_to_have|
| 1  | pork ribs| NULL     | pork meat      | meat      | food   | 400               | 130            |
| 2  | tomatoes | Mr Red   | NULL           | vegetables| food   | 280               | 100            |
| 3  | lettuce  | NULL     | Leaf vegetables| NULL      | food   | 280               | NULL           |
| 4  | Bananas  | NULL     | NULL           | NULL      | food   | NULL              | NULL           |
| 5  | hamburger| MaxBurg  | cow meat       | meat      | food   | 220               | 150            |
| 6  | hamburger|SuperBurga| NULL           | NULL      | NULL   | 125               | NULL           |

SELECT product, COALESCE(brand, 'locally grown') AS final_brand FROM stock;

| product   | final_brand  |
|  pork ribs| locally grown|
|  tomatoes | Mr Red       |
|  lettuce  | locally grown|
|  Bananas  | locally grown|
| hamburger | MaxBurg      |
| hamburger | SuperBurga   |

SELECT product, COALESCE(subcategory, category, family, 'no product description') AS product_and_subcategory FROM stock;
| product   | product_and_subcategory  |
|  pork ribs| pork meat                |
|  tomatoes | vegetables               |
|  lettuce  | Leaf vegetables          |
|  Bananas  | food                     |
| hamburger | cow meat                 |
| hamburger | no product description   |

SELECT _id, COALESCE(quantity_available, minimum_to_have, 100) AS quantity FROM stock;
| _id | quantity|
|   1 |  400    |
|   2 |  280    |
|   3 |  280    |
|   4 |  100    |
|   5 |  220    |
|   6 |  125    |