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The DATETIMEPART() function returns the specified part of a given date, in numerical format.


DATETIMEPART(timeunit, date-time)


Argument Data type Description Required Additional information
timeunit string String value that specifies the time unit for the duration to be added to the target date-time. Yes Time units.
date-time timestamp The target date-time specified as literal or expression the time duration is added to. Yes  


Data type Value
int Returns the specified part of the timestamp.

Additional information



Unit Declaration
years yy
day in year yd
months m
days d
day of week w
week in year wk
hours hh
minutes mi
seconds s
milliseconds ms
microseconds us
nanoseconds ns


Select the month from a given date

create table demo
    (_id id, ts timestamp timeunit 's');

insert into demo(_id, ts)
    values (1, '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z');

select _id, datetimepart('m',ts) from demo;

 _id | ts                           
   1 | 1

Find out what day of the week a date is, with Sunday as 0

create table demo
    (_id id, ts timestamp timeunit 's');

insert into demo(_id, ts)
    values (1, '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z');

select _id, datetimepart('w',ts) from demo;

 _id | ts                           
   1 | 4