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The DATETIMEDIFF() function returns integer value of the difference between two dates in the units provided.


DATETIMEDIFF(timeunit, start-datetime, end-datetime)


Argument Data type Description Required Additional information
timeunit string Units in which the function reports the time difference Yes Time units.
start-datetime timestamp lower boundary value Yes  
end-datetime timestamp upper boundary value Yes  


Data type Value range
integer Signed integer difference between start-datetime and end-datetime expressed in the units set by timeunit (-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807)

Additional information



Unit Declaration
years yy
months m
days d
hours hh
minutes mi
seconds s
milliseconds ms
microseconds us
nanoseconds ns
  • For a return value out of range, DATETIMEDIFF returns an error. For nanoseconds, the maximum difference between start-datetime and end-datetime is around 293 years and 4 months.
  • The output is negative, if end-datetime occurs before start-datetime.
  • Returns null is any of the input parameters is null.


Number of days between 27 feb and 01 march 2023.

create table demo 
    (_id id, start-date timestamp timeunit 's', end-date timestamp timeunit 's');

insert into demo(_id, start-date, end-date)
    values (1, '2023-02-27T21:30:00Z', '2023-03-01T21:30:00Z');
select _id, datetimediff('d', start-date, end-date) as days_diff from demo;

_id | days_diff
  1 |         2

Endtime is before starttime

create table demo 
    (_id id, start-date timestamp timeunit 's', end-date timestamp timeunit 's');

insert into demo(_id, start-date, end-date)
    values (1, '2023-03-01T12:00:00Z', '2023-03-01T09:00:00Z');
select _id, datetimediff('h', start-date, end-date) as hours_diff from demo;

_id | hours_diff
  1 |         -3

Returns NULL if any input parameter is null.

create table demo 
    (_id id, start-date timestamp timeunit 's', end-date timestamp timeunit 's');

insert into demo(_id, start-date, end-date)
    values (1, '2023-02-27T21:30:00Z', '2023-03-01T21:30:00Z');
select _id, datetimediff(null, start-date, end-date) as diff from demo;

_id | diff
  1 | NULL