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How does FeatureBase reduce storage overheads?

Encoding data as base-2 equality-encoded or bit-slice bitmaps makes queries faster but incurs storage overheads because the number of bitmaps scale:

  • with the number of values, and
  • the cardinality of those values

For example, the average storage overheads for a 10,000 value dataset will be as follows:

Database Dataset saved as Average storage overhead (KB)
RDBMS Row and column based structure 20480 - 30720
FeatureBase * equality-encoded bitmaps
* Bit-slice bitmaps

FeatureBase overcomes this issue by compressing all bitmap data using Roaring Bitmap Format, based on Roaring Bitmaps.

Table of contents

Before you begin

What kind of database is Roaring Bitmap Format?

At the highest level, RBF consists of two data files, saved to disk, also known as a shard.

Data file Consisting of Additional information
RBF The RBF data file contains a sequential collection of Roaring Bitmap friendly 8kb page files RBF data file
Write Ahead Log (WAL) Sequential snapshot of transactions batched into Roaring Bitmap containers of 2^16 integers (65536 bits) When transactions finish, the checkpointing process:
* updates each database page with changes from the WAL file
* truncates the WAL file when updates are complete

What is the RBF data file?

Roaring Bitmap Format (RBF) is a collection of b-trees serialized to disk that contain a page hierarchy used to store:

  • RBF metadata
  • a b-tree structure that stores data in Roaring Bitmap containers.

RBF metadata pages

The following page types contain RBF metadata:

Page number Page type Description Additional information
0 Meta The Meta page keeps track of b-tree information including:
* total pages
* current position in the Write Ahead Log
* Root record page number
* Freelist page number
* Freelist reference
* Meta page example
1 Root record Stores a list of bitmaps
* defined as combination of field and view
* and root page number for that b-tree
Root record example

B-tree structure and data pages

The following page types contain the b-tree structure and data:

Page type Description Additional information
Branch Branch pages make up the general “tree” structure of the b-tree, and consists of pointers to branch and leaf nodes Pointers to additional branch pages are created when an RBF database is expanded.
Leaf Leaf pages contain one or Roaring Bitmap containers of data in a specified format. Leaf page additional
Bitmap A bitmap page contains 8KB (65536 bytes) of Roaring Bitmap container data and is referenced by a Leaf Bitmap page. Bitmap page additional

Additional information

Benefits and features of RBF

RBF has the following benefits and features:

  • full ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transaction support which allows incremental updates within the RBF file
  • 8KB page files can accommodate the largest possible Roaring Bitmap container

Leaf page additional

Leaf pages relate directly to Roaring Bitmap format which:

  • splits bitmaps into containers that are 65,536 bits wide
  • chooses one of three encoding types for the container based on which will give the best compression:
Type Data storage Use case Additional information
Array A Leaf Array page contains cells which correspond to a Roaring Bitmap container Sparse containers with few bits set An array of 16-bit integers is kept to tell which of the 65,535 bits are set
Run Length Encoded (RLE) A Leaf RLE page contains cells which correspond to a Roaring Bitmap container Containers where most or all bits are set  
Bitmap pointer Uncompressed, always 8KB (65,536 bits)   The cell contains a reference to a separate RBF page because Roaring Bitmap containers are exactly 8KB

Leaf/Roaring Bitmap Bitwise operations

Bitwise operations (AND, OR, XOR, DIFFERENCE, NOT, etc.) are defined on each possible pair of encodings which means:

  • decode-operate-encode processes are not required
  • all operations take place on the data in the format it’s already in
  • compression benefits double as performance benefits
  • it takes fewer processor instructions to skip over sections of containers where no bits or all bits are set

Bitmap page additional

Bitmaps are defined as a combination of field and view.

Bitmap pages have no space for metadata so that is stored higher in the heirarchy


Meta page

Pgno: 0
Type: meta
PageN: 5
Root Record Pgno: 1
Freelist Pgno: 2

Root record page

Pgno: 1
Type: root record
Next: 0
Records: n=2
[0]: name="~_exists;standard<" pgno=3
[1]: name="~fld1;standard<" pgno=4

Branch page

Pgno: 5
Type: branch
Cells: n=9
[0]: key=16 flags=0 pgno=47
[1]: key=32 flags=0 pgno=159
[2]: key=48 flags=0 pgno=80
[3]: key=64 flags=0 pgno=180
[4]: key=80 flags=0 pgno=48
[5]: key=96 flags=0 pgno=136
[6]: key=112 flags=0 pgno=49
[7]: key=128 flags=0 pgno=103
[8]: key=144 flags=0 pgno=181

Leaf array page

Pgno: 23
Type: leaf
Cells: n=2
[0]: key=48 type=array values=[2 27 37 42 44]
[1]: key=51 type=array values=[1315 1316 1319]

Leaf bitmap page

Pgno: 47
Type: leaf
Cells: n=1
[0]: key=16 type=bitmap-ptr pgno=217

Further information